Midsize Show Roundtable

Midsize Show Roundtable


Keynote: Leveraging Industry Data & Trends

15 Nov 2023

The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) generates vast amounts of data to help shows of every size do a better job of forward planning. If only you had the time, staff, or resources to dig for the treasures relevant to your midsize show. You're in luck! Nancy Drapeau, Vice President of Research for CEIR, has done the digging and is bringing the treasure to MSR. Nancy and SpaceCom Executive Director Ryan Brown will explain how they work together to translate research into action. Discover how your midsize show can tap into this valuable resource to make better decisions in sales, marketing, operations, technology, and strategic management.  And when you're ready for more data-driven insights, you'll know where to look, what to look for, and whom to ask for guidance. 

Key takeaways include:

  • Use CEIR Index sector benchmarks to help direct planning.
  • Use new and emerging attendance drivers to shape more cost-efficient marketing campaigns.
  • Access data-centric sales insights that will boost performance for the entire sales team.
Nancy Drapeau, Vice President of Research - The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR)
Ryan Brown, Executive Director - SpaceCom