

11 Dec 2014

9 Powerful Rules for Building Your Organization's Business

'Think, plan and scan the competitive horizon'

By Sam Lippman

I've written about how fortunate I am to spend every day speaking with, and learning from, the best and brightest minds in the events business. Not surprisingly, I've picked up a few insights that I apply to building Lippman Connects and my events. Here are nine lessons that have served me well.

  1. Think, plan and scan the competitive horizon until your head hurts. Wake up the next day and think, plan and scan some more. You'll have fewer surprises.
  2. You have two ears and one mouth. So listen more than you talk.
  3. Base your business strategy on data and opinions from diverse sources to make it market-driven and realistic.
  4. Say "no" to opportunities that take you away from what you do well.
  5. Reward your target audience with unexpected benefits. They'll appreciate your attention.
  6. Shake off negatives. It's okay not to win every battle as long as you stay focused on winning the war.
  7. Take your time with major decisions. Anticipate the consequences now and for the future, and then move forward with confidence.
  8. Respect your opponents to stay alert and vigilant.
  9. Stand out, do things differently, do a little extra.

Take-away: Above all else, execute with precision. Great ideas poorly executed seldom get a second chance.

Sam Lippman is president and founder of Lippman Connects, which produces the Exhibition & Convention Executives Forum, which will be May 27 in Washington. This column first appeared at the Lippman Connects blog.
