

12 May 2021

In person ECEF returns to Washington, DC Metro in November

Marking 20 years of connecting leaders to leaders, Exhibition and Convention Executives Forum (ECEF) will open for a full day of in-person interaction on 3 November at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA located just outside of Washington, DC.

The 20th anniversary agenda offers a re-conceived format with expanded networking activities punctuated by what ECEF producer and president of organiser Lippman Connects, Sam Lippman, calls “four provocative C-level presentations”.

In addition to re-opening as an in-person experience, ECEF will continue to serve a worldwide audience via a robust digital presence. Both in-person and online registrants will have platform access from 1 to 5 November, 2021.

“For 20 years, through good times and bad, ECEF has been helping leaders stay in the lead. Whether reclaiming market share or exploring new markets, executives will find ideas and connections at ECEF 2021,” said Lippman.
