Survey Points to Growth in Exhibit Space and Sponsorships
By Sue Pelletier
According to the “Issues and Trends in Exhibit Space and Sponsorship Sales” study, the results of which were released at the Lippman Connects Exhibit Sales Roundtable in Washington, D.C., October 16, event organizer executives are seeing growth in both exhibit space and sponsorships.
The survey, conducted by Exhibit Surveys Inc., and Lippman Connects, credited a rebounding economy and support from industries represented by the events for the increases in these key exhibition metrics. Sixty-three percent said they had sold more exhibit space for their most recent events, mainly by providing a more consultative sales strategy and more personal outreach to exhibitors. The biggest exhibit sales challenge for more than half of the respondents was being able to grow attendance as well.
Sponsorship sales also were up for half of the respondents’ most recent events, though demonstrating the return on potential sponsors’ investment is still a stumbling block when it comes to sponsorship sales. What is working, they said, is offering incentives such as attendee e-mail address lists, drayage credits, and discounted exhibit space—something 83 percent said they do to spur sponsorship sales.
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