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* First name * Last name * Job title * Organization * Email Re-enter to verify: Email Mobile Phone Business Phone Comments * Check one or more boxes below to indicate your areas of interest:Exhibition and Convention Executives Forum (ECEF) - I am an executive at an organization that owns or manages an exhibition and/or convention.Attendee Acquisition Roundtable (AAR) - I am an executive, manager, or marketing specialist involved in attendee acquisition and retention.Exhibit Sales Roundtable (ESR) - I am an executive, manager, or professional involved in exhibit or sponsorship sales or service.Large Show Roundtable (LSR) - I am an executive, director, or manager at a show with 125,000-plus net square feet of exhibit space.Midsize Show Roundtable (MSR) - I am an executive or manager making decisions for a show under 125,000 nsf.Sponsorship Opportunities - I am a supplier to the event industry.This field is required. CAPTCHA As an anti-spam measure, please type the characters you see in the image (case sensitive). Submit