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ConnectUp articles written by mdg for Lippman Connects From Zero to Hero: Refine Your Event Strategy with Zero-Party Data Get Creative: Social Media Trends to Boost Your Event Marketing A to (Gen) Z: ...
Overview of Dan's articles Digital Selling: The Race Is On Why I'm Betting on This CEO Leading With Heart and Mind Do as I Do In His Own Voice A Life Not Wasted Away... Winning for the Ages Do the Rig ...
Attendee Acquisition Roundtable, July 27, 2023, Chicago, IL
Not always! We all want our events to deliver a wealth of attendee benefits. But sometimes these benefits are provided only if we find exhibitors to sponsor them. Steve Prahalis, COO, SME moderates a ...
Ken Holsinger, Senior Vice President Strategy, Freeman Company, takes you through the key findings from up-to-the-minute Freeman data on exhibits and sponsorships. Ken will build on the "5 Data Points ...
Jennifer Schwartz, Divisional President, Access Intelligence, moderates a panel with; Ellen Davis, Executive Vice President, Business Strategy and Industry Engagement, U.S. Travel Association; Ben Erw ...
Sam Lippman, President, Lippman Connects kicks off the ECEF program with a fast-paced data-driven overview, spotlighting insights gleaned from recent research. This session was recorded at the 22nd an ...
If your customers are not getting what they need from your event, you're handing an opportunity to a company like Connectiv Holdings. CEO Jay Weintraub's approach is sometimes described as disruptive. ...
Rochelle Richardson, SVP, Exhibitions, AVIXA, Dave Labuskes, CEO, AVIXA and Brad Sousa, CTO, AVI Systems address numerous benefits of creating integrated experiences to enhance your events with the su ...
The toughest, most enduring challenge facing your salesforce is measuring, proving, and communicating customers' ROI. Every non-renewal and downsize hurts your profitability. RX's answer was to refram ...
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